2023 Mood Board

 Helloooooooo Party People!! 

Happy New Year! I feel like we are all ready for 2023. There is just something in the air that feels so refreshing. I truly have a feeling in my gut that this year will be amazing with so much growth, new beginnings, and huge rewards!! I made my mood board for the year and I really wanted to be intentional with what I put on there. I wanted to be the perfect mix of delusional and motivating.  I think mood boards are such a great way to put a visual aspect to your goal setting process. I have always been a visual leaner so I think mood boards work especially well for me to conceptualize what I really want to achieve. 

Without further a do, here is my mood board for the year!!!!

I will now explain some of my goals for the year that can be seen in this mood board:

 Travel More
 I get a lot of anxiety when it comes to traveling because I burden myself with the financial aspects, the risk of flight delays or cancelations, losing my luggage. When I get on a plane or train I am completely fine, it is everything leading up to that moment that sends me in a tail spin ( working on it in therapy, but still a challenge). I want to let myself enjoy the opportunity I have with the timing of my life and explore new places. The two places I want to go to first are London and Paris- very obvious choices I'm sure, but I have never been to London and it has been almost 7 years since I visited Paris and I miss it dearly. Also I feel like a lot of people I knew were traveling all throughout last year and now it it my turn.  

I also want this to include domestic travel! I am going to Nashville in May for the Taylor Swift concert, and I have so many friends who now live in crazy places so I want to try to visit them. Also I really want to go to California at some point soon!

Read 40 Books
If you were to tell middle school Sara Anne that 24 Sara Anne has this goal, she would have thought you had the wrong person. I used to hate reading because as someone with ADD, I never thought I was "good" at it. This past year I read 28 books- which is probably more than all of my years of reading combined. I was so proud of myself for reading this much and I have actually fallen in love with reading, getting lost in a plot, and ( more importantly) not being on my phone as much! I wanted to set a realistic, but still challenging goal for this year and I have already read two books so far this month, so we are right on schedule!

Host People
I have always been the person who goes to other people's places, ever since I was a kid. I really love the idea of hosting dinner parties or just holiday parties and creating a space where people feel welcome in. My lease in my current apartment ends in the springs and while I don't know what is in store for my future living arrangements, I know I make it a place where I and the people that I love, enjoying being in!

Run a Half Marathon 
I used to be really into running when I was in my senior year of college. I did it almost every day. Now, I do it sometimes when the weather is nice, but I have really been wanting to get back into the groove for a while now. I have noticed that I work best when I have something to work towards, so this is kind of a joint goal of getting back into running by training for a half marathon. I say half because the longest race I have ran is a 5K so I realize that I need to take baby steps. This would still be the most that I have ever run before which is a huge deal for me and maybe next year, if all goes well, I can try for a marathon!

Focus on Sustainable Fashion Consumption
I really want to focus on quality of quantity when it comes to what goes in my closet. I have been seeing a lot about "capsule wardrobes" and the growth of getting clothes from thrift stores. I love my rental subscription with Nuuly because it lets me try new, exciting, trendy pieces with out contributing to actually consumption ( also I would love to have a partnership with them be something that happens in 2023). Quality doesn't have to mean expensive, but I definitely want to be able to invest in myself more this year with out feeling guilty or stressed about the finances attached to it!

Date More
I know I feel like a broken record- my therapist thinks the same thing- but I really do want to try to date more. As someone with not a lot of experience dating, casual or not, I have made up this whole stigma and added pressure as to what dating really means. When you are in high school, people usually find out if the other person is interested before asking them out on the date, but as an adult, you go on the date to find out if you are interested in the other person- basically backwards logic. I want to be able to feel more comfortable meeting new people because I will never meet the love of my life through work- just not in the cards for my industry. I also want to open myself up to the idea of dating someone or being in a relationship. I used to avoid it all together because I didn't think I knew what I was doing and I still don't, but I am more willing to learn! 

Make More Money
I know this is probably a general goal for everyone. We live in a society of consumerism, and where money is power. I want to focus on negotiating raises, starting side hustles, or at least selling my clothes when I don't where them anymore. I have noticed that it is a lot easier for people to make money in this world than what we think we can make. I want to be able to grow my savings and create a cushion to fall back on when I get older. I want to be smart with spending, but also let myself enjoy nice things. It is always a give and a take in this world, but I am hoping 2023 is going to be the year of giving!

 What are some of your New Year's Goals or Resolutions?

Sara Anne

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