Sara Anne's Fall Bucket List

I think fall and the holiday seasons are the two times of year where I want to do everything! I feel like spring doesn't have very seasonal specific activities besides flowers blooming and summer honestly overwhelms me with how much you feel like there is to do, but fall and winter are perfect. They give you more concrete direction but still let the individual pick what is best for them! Anyways, today I am sharing my fall bucket list with you all for inspiration for anyones who may not know what to do or how to celebrate the best time of the year! I tried to cater this list to both my city rats and country mice. Let me know what is on your bucket list this season! 


Pumpkin Patch in Seaport

So the closet pumpkin patch to me ( not including the Trader Joes closest to me) is in Seaport downtown. I know that if you aren't super familiar with NYC, you definitely will not know were Seaport is but just fill in the blank for the closest pumpkin patch to you! Pumpkin Patches were something I always went to as a kid and I have noticed that a huge part of me in this whole "real life/post grad" transition craves to hold on to the things I did as a kid. There is comfort in nostalgia and the moments when we didn't have a care in the world. 

Watch the NYC Marathon

Now I feel like this one might seem like more of a commitment than it is, but last year I went to the finish line of the NYC Marathon- which is located in Central Park- and I watched the runner finish there race. I didn't know anyone running and I don't think I know anyone doing it this year either but it is the coolest thing to watch just a group of strangers run towards the finish line after completing 26 miles- their bodies are exhausted, their loved ones are waiting at the end, and the leaves are the perfect shade of orange in the most famous park in the country. I literally cried last year because it is so beautiful and I think it is my new NYC tradition. 

Have a Fall Themed Movie Night

Not every seasonal activity needs to cost money. This is probably one of the easiest thing you can do and there are also so many new Halloween movies out this year! You can stick with the classics like When Harry Met Sally and Halloweentown or try the new Hocus Pocus or any of the new horror films that have been released. Get your favorite snacks or get take out from your favorite trashy restaurant and go to town! 

Make Pumpkin Cookies

Now this could be interpreted as the Pillsbury cookies with the pictures on them or actual pumpkin flavored cookies- either way, I want to make them! Oddly enough I have been having the hardest time trying to find the Pillsbury Pumpkin Cookies in New York. Either they are always sold out whenever I go to Target or they just were not allocated to the stores in the city ( which I refuse to be true), I can't find them anywhere. I'll keep you guys updated on my hunt for the famous sweet treat but in the mean time, I'll just stick with the Trader Joe's Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookie Mix- which still slaps! 

Go to the NY Botanical Gardens

I have never been to the Botanical Gardens in New York and I've seen a lot of the things they do for fall (thank you social media algorithm) and they look so cute! It is a little farther away from where I live but I want to try to make it work! If you live somewhere else this is a perfect filler to go to a "garden" closest to you or a farm! 

Visit the Farmers Market

I love the Union Square Farmers Market all year round but there is something about fall that makes it even more beautiful! I love trying to support local and there are something things you can always put me down for- sourdough bread, carrot cake cookies, and fresh bouquets. I want to challenge myself to try new fall produce like a squash, apples, maybe a baked good ( which I know doesn't count as produce).  


Friendsgiving is fun as long as you are not responsible for cooking the turkey! I am more of a side of broccoli type of gal when it comes to my contribution, but I love eating the food everyone else makes! I feel like I have finally started getting my bearings and have friends I could do a freindsgiving with ( at least a potluck of sort)! One non-negotiable of friendsgiving/ thanksgiving is to watch Charlie Brown !

Go to the Met Cloisters 

Similar to the NY BG, I have never been to the Cloisters and I feel like they are a very underappreciated.  They look so gorgeous and I want to try to explore more of the other boroughs! I feel like fall is the perfect time to try new things! 

What is on your Fall Bucket List??


Sara Anne

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