Hello Besties Old and New!!

I have a very special post today- my 2022 Vision Board! 


I am so proud of this vision board because I feel like it perfect encapsulates my goals for the new year in relation to mental, professional, physical, and financial! I really want to focus on my intentions I set for myself and focusing my energy into the things I hope to accomplish. I truly believe if you put your mind and energy to something that you can achieve it- maybe not on your timeline, but it still can be done. 

As I get older, I have learned to cherish the time I have creating my own life. Finding what people I want to be around, what habits I want to instill, what things I want to invest in, what passions I want to pursue. I think there is something really beautiful about being alone in your 20s. It is a freedom few get to experience and even few get to appreciate. You are able to navigate yourself and enjoy the luxury of independence, writing the stories you will later tell your kids about. 

This year I split up my vision board into different sectors of the life I hope to build for myself in the upcoming year. Obviously you do not need a new year to change your life, but there is something about a new energy, new hope that I just love to capitalize on. It just feels like a natural door opening, so why not walk through?

Below you will see the goals and intensions I have for the year written out based on the images in the vision board above! I encourage you to make your own vision board, journal your goals and intentions, and truly believe the things you plan for yourself. If you don't, no one will!




Sara Anne

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