What is up Party People?!

Back again with a realistic job rant. I don't love using the word rant but basically anything I do on this blog is a rant because I am talking the whole time and you guys are just listening ( or reading if you will).

Anyways, today I am talking work/life balance. Now there is work/life balance and then there is trying to find work/life balance in New York. Don't get me wrong, one of my favorite things about New York is the energy, but visiting here and living here are two different things. It is very sink or swim. There are weeks where I feel like I am not just swimming, but winning an Olympic Gold Metal in the 100 meter freestyle and then there are other weeks that I feel like I have a ball and chain tied to my ankle, pulling me lower and lower. With all of that being said, I am going to go into somethings I have noticed since working and living here for the past seven months. 


1. You Have to Try and Let Go of the FOMO

This city truly never sleeps and if you feed into it, neither do you. You have to remember, you have a social battery to take care of. I have found that it is really hard to fully shut off when I go on social media and see all of the parties and bars. FOMO is so real and the one thing I do to remind myself is these restaurants, bars, museums will all still be here tomorrow and if I truly feel like I need to rest, then that is what will allow me to enjoy those things in the future. On the other hand, sometimes a little pep talk goes a long way. Bottom line, being in  a new city does not mean you stop prioritizing yourself.

2. Drink Water. Period

You have no idea how many times I go through a day without even finishing my first water bottle of the day. I go through waves of being better at my hydration, but recently it has been nothing but a struggle because I feel like I am so busy with work. News Flash: you can take on second to have a sip of water and the world will keep spinning. Plus being hydrated effects your entire being and also gives you free breaks from work when you have to go to the bathroom!

3. Leave your Computer at the Office if you can

This is another thing I have struggled with in the past, but if you are able to go into your office and you have a desk, capitalize you the separation between work and home. I feel like Covid has shown us that we can work any hour of the day and still get things done on time but that is not a sustainable way to operate. In order to have Work/Life Balance, you have to have a separation between your work and your life! Also, there is truly no difference in something getting done at 8pm vs 8am.  

4. Make Plans in Either the Morning or the Evening

Even if this is just watching your favorite show or going on a walk with your friends, having something to look forward to in your day that is not just work will make a huge difference. I want to disclaim that you can enjoy your job and I hope you all do, but we are all so much more than the title we hold at our company! I have noticed even adding something special to my morning routine has given me a little pep in my step! Also I know that we can get really tired at the end of a work day, but breaking the cycle with different plans and events will help keep you out of a funk!


Just like any relationship, communication is key! It is vital to any friendship, romantic relationship, and yes, even working relationship. When you start to feel overwhelmed, be honest with your boss. Maybe there is a way you can finish a task faster using an Excel short cut, maybe there is something that can be delegated to another teammate. There is speed and there is efficiency, a lot of times it is hard to have both. I promise working with your boss to find the best way to get the best quality work completed will not make you look as bad as you think it will. Nothing will change if nothing changes!



Sara Anne 

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