A Pretzel Walk


A Pretzel Walk (noun.): Getting dressed up to walk around Upper East Side alone with your go-to jazz playlist and a soft pretzel from a street cart. This is probably one of my most favorite forms of self care. Nothing makes me feel more like a main character than jazz music. It is on the soundtrack of all the best movie; When Harry Met Sally, Pretty in Pink, The Parent Trap, even Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Plus, it is so relaxing, perfect for setting the vibe when walking in the park. 

New York is the place that taught me to appreciate being alone. When I moved up here for a summer internship, I did not know now a lot of people in the city, but there was so much that I wanted to do. I came to the conclusion, I can either be in my room alone all day everyday, or just go out into the world and do it alone. None of this has to do with being single or any romantic association to it, it is the fact that I used to feel physically anxious to be alone regardless of my relationship status. I am sure my college roommates can attest, even grocery shopping was something I wanted to do with someone else. For the record, my number one love language is quality time, but there is also a level of maturity that comes with being alone.

Of course there is this underlying feeling of awkwardness when doing things alone, but when you realized no one else is looking at you or cares about what you are doing as much as you think they are, you are free from feeling judgement from others. Also as a reminder, no one can make you feel anything without your permission. Now, I actually love being alone, I can do things at my own pace, worry about my own schedule, and spend money according to my own circumstances. This might sound cheap, but there is nothing I hate more then going somewhere and getting one entree and the person I am with gets two extra drinks and a side dish and now when we split tax and tip, I am paying almost 50% of what my meal costs. When I am alone, I know all of the money I spend is because of what I bought! 

Obviously I love spending time with my friends and family (when I am home), but when I start getting overwhelmed and need to calm down, I get a warm soft pretzel, play my Frank Sinatra, and walk through the Bethesda Terrance. Find your version of a Pretzel Walk and remember, being alone doesn't mean you are lonely!



Sara Anne

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