Sara Anne's Scarf Stylings


Hello Everyone! 

I am so so excited about this post because it is about one of my favorite things of fashion- styling! There are so many directions to take things when you are styling an outfit together and it is where you are truly express your art. Today I will be featuring five different scarves, five different ways. These scarves are a Hermes dupe that I found on Amazon and have linked here.  These pictures were taken by my dear friend Hunter Carrico. He can be found on instagram: @byhuntercarrico.  I am hoping to feature more styling on my page, so I hope you all enjoy!


This is one of the easiest ways to style any scarf because all you have to do is tie it on any bag you have it adds an extra spark to your look. I usually like using a bag that is neutral to serve as a black canvas for the scarf to the add to. This tan tote I have from Target is the effortless complement to this look. 


Depending on the length of your scarf  you can wear scarves as a belt, going around your full waist or you can just loop the scarf through the front two loops. This look can help define the shape of your body and can add a contrast to an outfit you are wearing to separate the top from the bottom.


Scarves can work as a hair accessory, serving as a head band or hair ties to hold ponytails. I love this look because hair and beauty contribute just as much to the outfit as the clothing items themselves. Whether you have short or long hair, you can do this styling trick!


This is one of the most classic ways to style scarves (obviously) because it was their original intent, but I like adding my own spin on it by tying it in a way that looks almost like a flight attendant. 


This is my favorite way to style scarves because it is one of the ways people least expect. This is better done with smaller scarves, but I think when it is tied, it looks so amazing. You can either tie it in a bow or just let the ends fall where they may, which is my go-to way. There is no particular "genre" this style trick falls into, it just is an awesome statement.
What was your favorite scarf style?

Sara Anne

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