August Mood Board + Mindset


Hellooooooo Everyone!!

I hope you all didn't miss me too much after my three week hiatus! Life happens, and we have to be flexible. I feel like the past couple of weeks have challenged me and forced me to adjust how I live my life. I have been home for about five and a half months which is the longest time I have been home since I was in high school. Living with family is a lot more different than living in an apartment with roommates. There are different expectations and asks of you (especially being the oldest sibling!!!!!). But enough about that! IT IS AUGUST BABY. I mean at this point we are almost half way through the month and time in quarantine is so weird because it moves really fast and really slow at the same time. And with a new month comes a new mood board and mindset!


This month I really want to focus on taking things one step at a time whether that be applying to jobs (still :/) or working out or basically anything else in life. This pandemic has shown me the importance of mental health and knowing when to take time to regroup. Light pink has always been a soothing color for me because it is basic and can adapt to pretty much any aesthetic. The simplicity of each picture and the quotes are all good reminders to take one thing at a time and to stop comparing yourself to others (another thing I am struggling with, especially with social media and content creation!!!!). I always want to be real with you because you never know what others are going through and what could potentially make someone see that they are not alone! August is my favorite month because it means fall is coming which is my favorite season and BECAUSE IT IS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH. I literally love my birthday because I just love birthdays in general ( because I love the attention lowkey). I can't wait to see what the rest of this month brings and hope that this mood board inspires you to join me in taking things one step at a time or even making your own mood board of things to focus on this month!!!



Sara Anne

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