Hey Everyone! Happy November!!

I know that I have not been as active recently and I wanted to apologize for that! I have started nannying full-time as a form of income while I search for a post-grad job and that is where a lot of my time flies off to! I definitely think I will be showing you all what a day in my life looks like since it has been a hot minute from my last one and things have definitely changed for me! However, I am still really excited and have brainstormed some posts to share with you all coming soon! 

I honestly love November and fall in general, but November has my favorite holiday in it: THANKSGIVING. I love thanksgiving so much because it is filled with so many family memories and kicks off the holiday season! As for this mood board, I find a lot of peace with neutral tones and definitely could use some peace, especially in a year like this! I have been journaling a lot more and reading some really cool books that I will show in my October Favorites post coming up next, but all of it has given me a time of reflection. I am really trying to find the simply pleasures of my day to day. I'll be honest and say that my life right now is not what I thought it would look like after college and sometimes it is really easy to be upset about that but being upset is not going to give me a new job, it won't bring my college roommates to DC, and it definitely won't help me in my fight for regaining my mental health. It is ok to be sad and have bad days, but there is always one thing to be grateful for and that is what I am trying to hold on to. I am probably going to be doing some more non-fashion related posts this month as an ~experiment~. I don't know what this blog will become, but I know that it is something that makes me happy and that it is something that is unique!

What are you looking forward to this month?

Sara Anne

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