Top Ten Things That Made Me Smile


Hey Guys! 

Another week down in the books and it just feels like there is a shift in the air. Summer is on the horizon, and while I am not getting the tradition "Summer Break" I have experienced the past 22 years of my life, I am still determined to have the best time in this new chapter of my life. This week was just a taste of that! With lots more to come from. these next couple of weeks, today I will be sharing with you the top ten things that made me smile!



1. The Vegan Cookie Dough Bites from Ben and Jerry's

I picked these up to cover my sweet tooth and let me tell you THEY DO THE TRICK! They are so good and I am obsessed with cookie dough in general so it is perfect! Also since they are bite size it doesn't have to take much to do the trick.

2. A Mini Saks Reunion

One of my intern friends messaged me last week saying she was in town and a group of us got together for dinner. It was so much fun to see them all again and update each other on out lives. I got pretty close with the people I interned which made this a highly anticipated event on my social calendar!

3. My French Manicure

It has been a HOT MINUTE since I got a French Manicure by choice (and not because my mom wanted me to). I have a bad problem of picking my nail buds when I am stressed out - which is all the time-  so I get my nails done on a regular basis to try and prevent this. This week I got them done for my graduation specifically.  I just wanted an easy, clean look and I am lowkey obsessed with it. My nails are also a little longer than usual because the gel makes my nails grow like crazy!  Also, I decided to do a round nail shape instead of my usual square and I feel like a completely different person.

4. Getting into a Hair Washing Routine

I used to be really good at only washing my hair every other day but I want to try and go for longer because I am seeing people wash their hair once or twice a week. I have been getting a lot better and working from home definitely helps because I can just wear it in a pony tail or a bun everyday! No one tells you how much better it is for your hair when you actually don't wash it all the time!

5. Making it Through the Week Without Grocery Shopping

Since I was leaving for the weekend, I really didn't feel like doing my usually Trader Joe's haul and wanted to utilize the food I already had in my fridge. This type of thing puts me into Survivor Mode because I am forced to get creative with what I have left. I will say, some of the meals I have put together weren't the most filling or nutritionally dense, but it will make going to the grocery store so much more guilt free because I know that there is nothing else to eat!

6. Being More Vulnerable on the Blog

This week I talked about comparison, something I have always struggled with in a myriad of forms. It is kinda therapeutic to talk about some of my realizations on here because I wanted to transform this space as a digital diary shared with you all. I plan to talk about a bunch of other things happening in my life and it is so encouraging when you guys reach out after reading! Our crew maybe be small but, we are strong as hell!!

7. Getting My Michael Kors Sweatshirt

I am all about the comfortable which is why I was so excited about my sweatshirt. Disclaimer: I did pay for it myself (plus my employee discount), but who cares?! It is orange which is perfect for the summertime and it says KORS in big letters across the front! I already am planning to break it out this weekend so stay tuned on the gram (@uniquely_sara_anne if you don't already know!)

8. Taking a Break from My Apple Watch

I like doing this every now and then because it is so easy to get wrapped up in the numbers. My body is healthy and that is all that matters- not how many active minutes I reached that day. I like taking a break because it is such a great way to clear my mind and allow myself to refocus my brain on things that actually matter (spoiler: there are so many more things that matter more than how many calories you burned that day)!

9. New York City Sunsets

They have never gone away, but there is something about the summer sunsets in the city that hit different. The sky is painted in this ombre of colors and you can help but just stare. This week, I got a glimpse of the sunsets to come and let me tell you, they won't disappoint!

10. Being Back in Cola

As you are reading this, I am flying to my college town, Columbia, SC, for my postponed graduation ceremony. I know I have mentioned this a billion times, but I am so excited- primarily for the food. I genuinely loved my time in college. I loved my friends, my campus, my student life, and my city. I haven't been back to Columbia since last August so I am so ready. I already planned all of the food stops I want to make and obviously graduating in our football stadium isn't the worst either! CHEERS TO THE FREAKIN WEEKEND!



Sara Anne

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