To Date or Not To Date


Hey Guys!

We all decided that this was going to be my online diary and here we are....

My name is Sara Anne and I am a recovering boy-adict. 


I feel like I have talked about a lot on this blog, but have only mentioned my love life a couple times. Quick recap: I am single. THE END. Not much going on right now and that is why I am coming to you guys because I have found myself at a fork in the road: To Date or Not To Date?

I have always been a boy-obsessed girly, ever since my first crush in the first grade. There is a high about flirting with guys that is better than any drug ( but also I literally have never done a single drug so who knows). I have never not been talking to a boy or crushing on someone I knew, but COVID pretty much placed all of that on pause since I wasn't seeing people quite literally at all. I was talking to some people at the beginning, but that quickly died down when I was on lockdown from the outside world (and rightfully so- we were in the starts of a freaking pandemic). 

Towards to the middle of quarantine, around late summer/early fall, I was going through a lot of stuff mentally and didn't want to talk to anyone, let alone boy. This was the first time I, not only didn't have any guy to talk to, but genuinely didn't feel the need to. Once I started working on myself and finding happiness from my own company, that feeling only continued, leading me to Michael Kors and New York. 

So flash forward- I am now in the city of my dreams, working in an industry I have been studying for years and I am realizing how much focusing on myself is working out for me, but there is something I miss about having a crush on someone. I don't think I want to be in a relationship right now because I am in love with my independence, but I still want to be able to talk to boys because it is fun. Also I really just want to go on a date to a Yankees game, that really is the end goal right now! *enter the fork in the road*

We have been seeing everywhere: HOT GIRL SUMMER, so naturally I want that to be me in some way. I've always wanted to be the casual dater, but in reality I am just not that girl. I am also definitely not the one- night stand type. No shade, but I just know my strengths and weaknesses and that is definitely a weakness. I also am a little scared of dating apps because I may or may not have gotten stood up at a Hinge date once in my life.....However, I have learned that mindset is everything, so I am determined that my first summer in the city, I will go on two dates a month. A small goal of course, but a realistic one to start with. I have always wanted to be the "Carrie Bradshaw" type (*even though she is slightly toxic), so if not now then when? I don't think this blog will turn into a dating confessional, but I might feature some stories if I see fit;)

Let me know what your thoughts are and if you want to join this challenge with me! 



Sara Anne

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