The Morning Routine That Changed My Life

 Hey Guys!

Mornings are the start of everyday. They set the mood for what comes next. Investing in your first moments create a road map to success- I should know, I have had a year to figure out the perfect morning routine when I was living with my parents after graduating college with no job. I used to be a big morning person when I was in Middle and High School, but College broke me down a little bit. Now, with my joining of big bad Corporate America, I've learned the importance of investing time into yourself. If I don't do anything for myself in the morning, I will be to tired by the end of the day, and then I never invest in myself ever, WHICH is not how you grow! Today I am going to be sharing my secrets with you. I will say as a warning, my routine is a little intense and extra, but welcome to my brand. 


5:30AM: Wake Up

Usually this is after multiple snoozes- I am human after all. I don't like using a lot of screen time in the morning but I do indulge in 10 minutes of TikTok to make me smile and wake me up a little.

5:45AM: C O F F E E

My roommate has a Nesspresso machine which is so clutch! Right now my favorite flavor of pods is Caramel Cookie. Usually while it is brewing I add in my oat milk. Also, I recently got some of the Metabolism Super Powder from Sakara to add into my coffee just to help with digestion and bloating. It also helps keep me full through out the day. It has a bitter, dark chocolate taste, so it tastes really good mixed into your coffee!

6:00AM: Gratitude, Journal, and Reading

This is the "invest in yourself part" I was referring to. Being able to have a brain dump right when you wake up is the best way to clear your mind. I have been using the 5-Minute Journal for a while now and it is the best thing ever. I brings you through gratitude, things to look forward to, and affirmations. Once I am done with that, I try to journal for ten minutes. I usually write about the day before, the day I am having, and anything else on my mind. I feel like right now is such a pivotal time to document my life and journaling is just the way. Once I am done with all of my writing, I read for about 20-30 minutes. I just finished The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and am finishing the Michelle Obama biography, Becoming!

6:45AM: Workout

This doesn't happen all the time, but I do try to move my body in the morning either walking around my neighborhood, taking a group exercise class, or going to the gym. I have learned that working out has impacted my ability to focus during the day, my confidence, and my digestion. 

7:30AM: Shower and Skincare and Get Dressed

Whether it is a body shower, or a full on hair washing, shaving deal, I need to be clean. After getting out of the shower, I do my skin care routine of micellar water, serum, gel eye mask with ice roller, and moisturizer. I have perfected my skincare set up and being a gal on the go, I have a quick and effective system. 

8:00AM: Breakfast and Vitamins

This either consists of Oatmeal with Banana, Avocado Toast, or Yogurt with Berries and Granola. I am a woman of routine and repetition- in case you could not already tell. These three options fill me up, satisfy me, and provide nourishment. Vitamins-wise, I take Fish Oil for Omega 3's, Evening Primrose Oil for my skin, and I am currently looking for a probiotic- all about that gut health!

8:30/9:00AM: Log On/ Leave for Work

After all of that prep, I am officially ready for the day. My slate is clean and I have done all I needed to do, to be successful! Like I said earlier, a little extra and equally as intense, but sometimes you need to be intense to become the best version of yourself!


What are your morning routine necessities?


Sara Anne

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