Sara Anne's Go To Wellness Practices for Everyday Self Care


Hello Everyone! 

First of all can we all agree that these pictures from my birthday photo shoot are absolutely gorgeous. I am OBSESSED!! Okay, back to the point of the blog- Self care is something a lot of people feel should be saved for a special occasion, like treating yourself. What a lot of people don't know, including me up until a couple months ago, is that self care is mandatory for maintaining your best self. You don't want to wait until your car breaks down to change the oil or reset the tires. Can you tell how much I know about cars? But, you know what I mean. Self care is not for the one time you decide to give yourself a face mask, it is about becoming the person you want to be in the world. 

I did an exercise of describing my ideal self- what do I do to stay in shape, where do I go out to eat, what does my morning routine/night look like, what books do I read- the list goes on and on. Point being, what is stoping you from doing the things that your best self would do? By doing those things, you are becoming your best self!! Today I am going to show you some of the wellness things I started implementing in my life regularly to build and maintain the person I want to be in this world! Let me know what works for you!!

Skin/ Body Care:

Dry Brushing
This is a newer practice I try to implement at least 2-3/week before I shower. It is supposed to be good for lymphatic drainage as well as helping with cellulite. I like it because it also works as an exfoliator. There are different ways to do it but in general, you should be brushing towards your heart. It definitely feels like I am doing something right, so I am going to keep it up.

Exfoliating/ Shaving Once a week
Yes, exfoliating is valuable, but you don't want to do it too much. Same with shaving- you only should do it as needed. Exfoliating when shaving is very important if you want to get that clean shave look- which is pretty much the point of doing it. I like to use the Necessaire Exfoliator every Sunday whenever I take my "The Shower".

Going to the Dermatologist
I know this sounds a little silly, but I went to the dermatologist for the first time in my life a couple months a go and it is insane what prescription creams can do. I have always struggled hormonal acne and it has been a real insecurity of mine. I went on ZocDoc to find a practice that took my insurance and have seen her a couple times this year. We have tried different topical and oral prescriptions and my skin is clearer than it has ever been. Invest in yourself people!

Using Neck Straps
I recently found these via a guest on The Skinny Confidential Podcast. There is a pack that are like $15 on Amazon for 7 neck straps. It is what it sounds like- you loop it around your ears and it basically help with the skin under your chin and just defining your jaw line more. 

Using Gel Eye Masks
I feel like this one is not new news. I have been a gel eye mask stan for a couple years now. What started as a little thing I would do to be boujee has now turned into a daily ritual. I am forever obsessed with Peter Thomas Roth- please sponsor me!!! ily!!! Maybe it is in my head, but I can tell a real difference when I do these things daily and I can also tell a difference when I haven't been doing them as regularly. As I am getting older and dealing with different stressor, getting irregular sleep, etc. it is essential I am still treating my eyes with the care they deserve.

Switching to Clean Skin Care and Makeup
My skin is very sensitive- it always has been. Recently I have switched to cleaner beauty and skin care and I have noticed such a difference. You don't need a billion chemicals to help with breakouts or discoloration. 

Ice Rolling my Face Every Morning
Not only is this a great way to wake yourself up but it also helps in de-puffing your face and define your cheek bones/ jawline. I have been doing this everyday for a couple months and I have noticed a serious difference! 


Going to Therapy
I have been going to therapy for almost a year now and it has truly changed my life. I originally went to help my work anxiety and just overall transitional period entering post grad. There are so many ways to get therapy nowadays and honestly, I pay out of network, but it is one of the most valuable payments I have on my docket. 

Adding Sleep Meditation to my Night Routine
My corporate benefits includes a free subscription to Headspace. Literally incredible!! Meditating is something that I have never truly understood. I never thought I had the attention span for but Headspace is a lot more guided meditation than just playing high frequency music. The sleep meditation is really helpful to quiet my mind. I feel like my body is always ready to sleep before my mind is, so being able to relax my brain helps me go to sleep within LITERALLY 5 minutes. I never make through the whole mediation and I stay asleep through the night! Investing in your sleep routine is probably the best thing you can do for yourself!

Journaling in the Morning
I have been journaling pretty regularly since the start of the pandemic, but journaling in the morning just hits different. It is like a brain dump. I listen to my jazz, and write about things I have coming up, things that may have upset me the day before, and things that I want to remember when I look back on it all. A lot of times my journaling helps me brainstorm what I want to write here! 

Listening to Informative Podcasts
A couple years a go I made the decision to become a podcast girly and I am so thankful for it. I have learned so much about skin care, fitness, politics, and so much more. I have a separate post on my go to podcasts for beginners if you are just getting into the podcast world. It is such an easy thing to incorporate from your day to day. You can do commuting, working out, cleaning, literally anything. 

Going Outside at least once a Day
Working from home can sometimes make me feel like a hermit, so I have been making myself go out on a daily walk or just find a reason to leave the house. Sunlight is so good for your mental health and physical health. It is also nice to feel a little be of a separation between your work day and your regular day. 


Exploring New Workouts
Sometimes when I start getting in a workout rut, it is a sign to challenge myself and try new things. Recently I have been obsessed with Solid Core. It is like pilates on crack. The other day I took a sculpt class by Bala Bangles. I have also recently tried Hot Yoga and love it! There is no form of movement that is "better" than the other and it is actually good for your body's growth and development to try new things and challenge new muscle groups!

Prioritizing Sleep 
Again, this sounds very self explanatory, but I used to think sleep didn't relate to health. When you first think of health you think of diet and exercise, maybe hydration, but not sleep. I have been trying to get at least seven hours of sleep compared to my previous five and I can tell my stress levels are so much better. I have also invested more in my sleep routine which you will see throughout this post.

Drinking Tea
I have been trying to decrease the amount of caffeine I drink because I don't want to be as dependent as I have been in the past. Also it is not the best thing for anxiety, so I have switched to tea. I remember I when I was in high school, I wanted to like tea so badly because I thought it was the cool thing to do, but I hated it so much- now I have at least on cup a day. My go to is a lavender tea right before bed- it helps me go to sleep in a less heavy way than melatonin. Also if I am feeling bloated or just bleh, I'll make some ginger mint tea to help move things along.

Not Restricting Myself 
As someone who struggled (and still does struggle) with body and food dysmorphia, learning to live life without restriction has been so freeing. I am still able to be healthy and happy while enjoying my Levain Oatmeal Raisin Cookie.

Sara Anne 

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