European Summer Lovin'

Let's be honest- American fashion would be nothing without European influences.  Of course I love a lot of American designers, but what do you think are those designers' style inspirations. On average, Europe whether it be Paris, London, Milan, wherever, are about three seasons ahead of what is trending in America- which actually makes a lot of sense if you look back at the evolution of fashion. Over the past couple of years European influences have been more prevalent in today's everyday trends and there can be a lot of lessons learned from our friends across the water. Today I will be sharing with you all some European Summer Trends and Tips you can easily apply to your wardrobe to feel like a world traveler in your own home (because we are all still experiencing a pandemic so please WEAR YOUR FREAKIN MASKS). 

Colored Accessories on Top of Neutrals 
It is no lie that Europeans love neutrals, and, honestly, so do I (they calm me). It is the perfect base to explore any pattern or statement color in a way that is not too showy and it is a foolproof way to express your particular style or purchases you are proud without adding excess clutter to your ensemble. It also allows for easy layer in the fall and winter. 

White Sneakers in Contrast
Of course everyone wants to wear their Air Force 1s with their oversized tee shirts and running shorts for an athlesiure look, but how about wearing those sneakers in contrast to what you're wearing. Paring it with tailored clothing like a maxi dress, skirt, or even a blazer will add a natural casualness to whatever you are wear and it looks super cool. You don't have to be "edgy" to pull off this look, you just have to be willing to try. Nothing is off limits in Europe and that is what I love about their fashion. 

Don't Shy from Hair Accessories
Whether is be a headband, baret, hair clips, or scarves, hair accessories are just as important as jewelry or belts, or purses! Hair accessories can tie together an outfit literally from head to toe. A lot of people feel like "their head is not the right size for these things", but that is why it is so great that there are so many different kinds. Not to mention, they are perfect for second or third day hair (iykyk) and just straight up bad hair days! There is not particular season designated for hair accessories so why not try some out now?!

Structured Handbags are a Must 
I view someone's choice has a way you view making your bed in the morning- even if the room is messy, a made bed can make the room look instantly more put together. Although I am all for a little slouch in the pouch, a structures bag is an easy way to make yourself look more polish without sacrificing the storage space. The best part is these structured bags come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. 

When it Comes to Sunglasses, Go Circular
This shape gives you relaxed, vintage look with any of your outfits. I know that right now a lot of big chunky rectangular sunglasses are trending, but I want to challenge you to go another route because these shaped glasses will make it easy to transition into any other season from this point on.
What are some of your style influences?

Sara Anne

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