Summer Beauty Trends You Should Know About Before Summer is Over

Beauty and makeup is just as much of fashion as the clothes themselves- there can be trends that everyone is doing. Although this pandemic has brought less motivation to actually apply the makeup onto their face, everyone loves playing dress up now and then. I have even noticed myself wanting to look good even going to the grocery store or having a socially distanced hangout with some friends at home. This time alone also can give you some time to experiment things you see in magazines or online and may be too scared to wear in public! I have always been resistant when it comes to make up "trends" (mainly because I have been using the same three colors in my Urban Decay eye-shadow palette since the beginning high school), but these are some summer trends that I am excited about! I am ready to embrace the quality and expression of beauty and am challenging you all to join me! Want some inspiration? Keep scrolling for some of the main trends to be cool for the summer!

Sunscreen Skincare
This might seem like a no brainer to some, but for me it is a revelation. You can get sun damage doing things that are not laying out and tanning. I always was scared of applying literal sunscreen to my face at the end to my skin care routine, but so many skincare lines have come out with sunscreen for even the most sensitive skin. One specific product I have seen everywhere is the Supergoop Sunscreen! I recently purchased this for myself on Sephora and the things that I love about this product is that it is made of clean chemicals, works for all skin types, and has 30-50SPF. I am all for clean beauty and have noticed that the cleaner the product, the better my face responds to it!! Invest in yourself this summer and get a quality sunscreen for your face!! It will decrease discoloration, wrinkles, and won't take away from any possible rays you want to be catching!
The Everyday Hydration Set

Statement Lips
Honestly I feel like this is a very habitual trend for the summer- hot pink and bright orange are summer colors and will always be summer colors. I digress, still something to try out! Still something that you can experiment with and see what shade works exactly for you and your skin tone. I will say I have seen a lot more people showing off their lips more and even correlate their lip shades to what they are wear so why not try color coordination in a major way?!
Hourglass - Opaque Rouge Liquid Lipstick

Bronze Dew
We all want to be tanner right? I am convinced that being tan automatically makes you more confident, but looking like you have a fresh tan is even better! For me there is a fine line between a "dewy look" and "oily skin", however, I think this is where "shimmer" comes into play. This is definitely something that I want to work on because bronzer was never something that I did in my makeup routine and the fact that I do have naturally oily skin. But, when the light hits, IT WILL HIT! Don't knock it until you try it and the easiest way to learn more is YouTube tutorials. 
RMS Beauty Luminizer x Quad

Pastel Lids
This is something that I am excited to try despite what I said in my intro. I love seeing pictures of people with an ombre pink lid or lilac lid! We all know those colors that come in a palette that we quite literally never use because we just don't want to, well why not start now? Pastels are also a more subtle way to branch out of your usual smokey eye!
Aether Beauty Amethyst Crystal Gemstone Palette product image

Roll it Out 
We all hate puffiness in our faces so why not get rid of it?? ICE ROLL YOUR FACE! I love this so much because ice rolling your face can help with migraines, increasing lymphatic drainage, and also just cooling you off! It is summertime after all! Whether you get one off of Amazon or Sephora, these things are easy to purchase, use, and see results from! You can thank me later!
ESARORA Ice Roller for Face & Eye, Puffiness, Migraine, Pain Relief and Minor Injury, Skin Care Products

What are some beauty trends that you all are going to try this summer?

Sara Anne

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