Fashion and Beauty Brands Donating to Black Lives Matter

This movement has given me a lot of time to reflect on my privilege, my past actions, and how to move forward, incorporating what we learn in our day-to-day lives. Probably one of my biggest takeaways is that Black Lives Matter of course is addressed in police brutality, but the systemic racism is ingrained in all aspects of life whether that be health and fitness, education, or fashion and beauty.  I realized how much I do not know and the way I spend my money for things that I "don't think matters" actually could be fueling something that I do not agree with. I have decided to pledge to do more research in the companies that I decide to support and shop from in the future. It has come to a point where people can't afford to be ignorant with their choices and with the whole world wide web at our finger tips, more accessible than ever, there is no excuse. I want to make sure that I am still posting diverse content and resources, not because it is "what is trending", but because it is how to normalize and hopefully de-polarize the idea of racial equality. Today I will be sharing with you all some fashion and beauty brands that have supported the Black Lives Matter movement. I feel that if I am as passionate about the fashion industry as I claim to be, than this is how I can practice being an ally in the industry I am involved in everyday. As a disclaimer, I am still learning what everyday allyship looks like and am probably nowhere near qualified to "preach" about this but I want to use whatever platform I do have to give you all resources to learn along with me and support business that align with these ideals.



Fashion  Beauty Brands Donating to Black Lives Matter

Glossier has donated $500K across multiple organizations including Black Lives Matter, The NAACP Legal Defense  and Educational Fund, The Equal Justice Initiative, and others. Glossier is also donating another $500K to support black owned beauty business. Glossier has been one of the first beauty companies to support these fundraising organizations and encouraging smaller businesses. 

Warby Parker

Warby Parker released a statement addressing their support in the movement and pledging to donate $1 million across multiple organizations. They have committed to continuing their education as a company and using their social media platforms to voice change.


This athletic wear company has committed to donating $50,000 to ACLU in the fight for racial justice.


This razor brand committed to body positivity and female empowerment is donating $100,000 between Black Lives Matter and the NAACP.


This company's announcement struck different to me because they openly acknowledge the privilege of their target market and the fact that they " haven't always gotten it right". I feel that their open commitment to do better is something I really respect and makes me hopeful for the fashion industry in general. They also have committed to donating $100,000 to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, as well as creating a call to action with their followers by providing other organizations to support during this time. 


This Australian brand has committed to donate $50,000 to the ACLU to provide legal assistance to anyone with civil liberties at risk.

Another Tomorrow

This clothing retailer has committed to not only donating to organizations such as The Loveland Foundation, the NAACP, and Custom Collaboration, but they also have pledged to donate 15% of their budget to black owned businesses. A lot of retailers have joined the "15% project" where they have allotted 15% of their budget to investing in mentorship,  marketing, and procurement to help black owned businesses.

Hopefully you will join me in taking the extra step and investigating what you might be supporting in your personal buying habits. 

How are your favorite brands responding to the BLM movement?

Sara Anne

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