Powerful Podcasts

Hello Everyone! 

Recently I have gotten into podcasts. Again I feel like it is kinda an "adult move" to start listening to them, but I have also found that it is a great way to learn about a lot of different things. I have never truly been into reading (which is ironic because quarantine has turned me into a total bookworm). I am sure that I am not telling you guys anything you didn't already know because I have noticed that podcasts have become a very millennial and suburban mom trait, but podcasts can range from comedy to history; from crime investigation to fashion reports. With the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, I have found podcasts to be the best sources of raw storytelling and news distribution. One thing I have been trying to do is walking in the morning and choosing one to listen to. This allows me to get some movement and is an easy way for me to learn/ stay up to date with what is happening in our world. I know that there are a lot of resources floating around nowadays and like I was saying in my post on Monday, I want to help you guys and give you some recommendations to some of the podcasts I have found to be very powerful and educational. I have learned that one of the biggest privileges that I have as a white American citizen is getting to learn about these accounts rather than experiencing them.  That is why I feel that education is so important. What you do with that education is up to you. Some of these podcasts are from creators that I have been following and some are podcasts solely dedicated to the  fight against racial inequality. All of these podcasts are available on Spotify!


What are some podcasts that have helped you during this time?

Sara Anne

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