Top Ten Things That Made Me Smile


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!

This week was a pretty amazing week! Lots of fun announcements coming your way! I had a week of good news, good food, and good friends! I don't really have a lot of complaints, and I know that the world right now is still crazy. I don't want to come off as obtuse or insensitive, but I am still excited and grateful for the things happening in my life which is the only thing you can really do. Here are the top ten things that made me smile this week!


Steady Morning Routine

I know that I have briefly mentioned about this in last week's top ten, but this week I was putting pedal to the medal. I have been trying to go back into being a morning person. I was a huge morning person when I was in high school and middle school and as I get ready to go into the professional world, I feel that it is important to be able to function in the morning. This week I have been waking up at 6am, listen to Morning Announcements by Betches and The Daily by The New York Times, do my gratitude and try to journal. If I have time I will read a couple chapters a my book. I know this sounds a little ridiculous but the way you become a morning person is by doing things that you look forward to doing. The best part is by 7/7:30am I am ready to go for the day. 

A Clean Room

My sister spent her winter break at home with us and sharing my room with me. This week, since she went back to school, I was able to clean my room and rearrange my furniture back to what it was originally and I love my room so this was just the best things ever. I have made my room into a place that is filled with things that make me happy and having it back and CLEAN is such a great feeling.

Jambalaya Pasta from Ozzie's

On Monday night my family and I got my favorite restaurant take out. If you live in NoVa, Ozzie's Jambalaya Pasta is the best dish ever. It is spicy, it has seafood and meat, it has it all! 11/10 would recommend to a friend (ie. you!). This had to be in the line up because I don't always get this meal, so when I do, it is so great! 

Visiting Georgetown University 

During my staycation with some of my friends in Georgetown, we walked up to Levain Bakery to get our cookies and headed over to Georgetown University to just hang out. I have never been to Georgetown University and it was absolutely beautiful. It helped that it was sunny and we found some rocking chairs to sit in. It was just such a wholesome moment and just a fun, simple time with my friends!

My Quilted Jacket from Free People

I have mentioned this jacket in my insta stories a couple of times, but it is the best jacket ever! I have gotten a ton of complements and genuinely feel like it keeps me so warm. Just a disclaimer- I would not have bought it if it were not for my discount, but I still think it is a great investment piece. Also it is one of our best sellers in store too (probably because it is so easy for me to sell!). Overall a quality item that is making it's way to being a staple in my closet. 

My Memory Foam Mattress Pad

Let me tell you that this mattress pad is the biggest game changer. I have been getting the best sleep (could be an exaggeration, but still) since getting this! I have a twin bed right now, which I actually don't mind because I am still able to have a ton of space, but the mattress pad on a twin bed just makes the whole thing an absolutely glorious experience. I literally found mine on Amazon and it was probably like $30.

Getting a Gold Chain Choker

This week my friend gave me a gold chain choker because she just didn't want it. Like I have said it before, one man's trash is another man's treasure and I love this necklace for a laying look with my chain "S" necklace from Anthropologie or just by itself. The nice thing about it is that it is real medal, so it does not turn my neck green! Love that for me! Also chains are the thing- peep all of my trends posts on my blog so far- which is just another perk!

Trader Joe's Stir Fry Mix

I went to Trader Joe's this week and picked up a container of their Stir Fry Mix and basically it is all precut vegetables down to the mini corns! I was thinking I could pop it in a sauté pan and add teriyaki sauce, chicken, and rice for a quick dinner. I love teriyaki sauce so I am just so excited for this and the whole thing of precut veggies was LITERALLY $3!!! 

Making it Through the Week Without Coffee

Yes, it is true. I am trying to cut out high caffeine and coffee from my diet as much as I can and this week I have not had coffee at all! It is little things like this that prove to myself that I can actually do and how much I don't actually need coffee as much as I think I do. Also the value of good sleep, being a reason I do not need as much coffee! I might need some next week because I am working a lot at Free People, but for now I am proud of myself!

Being More Active on My Instagram Stories 

I have loved being more active on my stories everyday! It is so fun DMing you guys and receiving all of your love and support. I truly do want to grow this platform a little more and this week just motivated me to continue to do that through Instagram Stories! I hope you all enjoy the content I am putting out for you guys and if there is anything you want to see, please let me know!


I hope you guys have a great weekend and I will be back on Tuesday of next week to observe Martin Luther King Day!


Sara Anne

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