Top Ten Things That Made Me Smile


Hey Friends!

Another week in the new year down and the last full week of January! What a start to the new year and I don't know if this will make sense, but this feels like the least "January feeling" Januaries ever. Maybe it is because I am no longer in school? Maybe it is because we are still in the middle of a pandemic? Who is to say? But, I don't mind it at all! In fact, I feel a little refreshed. Anyways, another week brings us to another Top Ten! I have loved doing this series because it gives me a chance to be grateful for the big and little things in life! Each week is different with different highs and lows, but there is something always in the mix that shows me why I am still here!

I hope you all enjoy and I will see you on Monday!



Let's be real. This hair cut changed my whole persona. The best hair cut of my life. Just as a disclaimer, everyone in the salon wore masks and there were only four other guests getting their hair done. I felt safe the entire time! For anyone who wants to know the specifics, I got a balayage in my hair and just cut it three inches. I already had layers put in a couple years ago so the cute just enhanced it all. If you are in NoVa, Dolce Vita Salons with Erin Lambert will transform you into your own dream girl.  

New Books in Que

This week I got two books in the mail adding to my que of things to read! I got the book from @girlwithnojob, Claudia Oshry that I am so so excited to read and then I also got the book She Regrets Nothing which is a novel that gives off a similar feel as Gossip Girl. I have been a book brain for a couple months now and have found reading a great way to take a break from screen time and transform myself into a different reality. 

Eating Macaroons on my Break

While working this week, I was surprised with an hour shift. Usually I would be a little annoyed because that means I would have to clock out for an hour, but I was so tired this day I was happily relieved. I decided to treat myself to a high class sugar rush right before I got back to work with some macaroons. Now for those who don't know macaroons are one of my secret favorite luxuries. I first got into them when I was in high school because I loved the fancy (and rich) essence it gave off and now genuinely enjoy them from time to time. 

Getting Myself a Lavender Latte

Almond milk lattes with lavender syrup is my favorite coffee order ever. It always hits the spot and this week was no different. I usually only get it for myself on special occasion because it is hard to find coffee shops that carry it and because if I had it all the time, it would not be as exciting. 

Finishing Gilmore Girls

Finally I finished Gilmore Girls! Four months of my life dedicated to the complicated lives of Rory, Lorelai, and everyone in between. I loved that show because it is different than any other "binge worthy" one on Netflix. It is a feel good teen drama with a good dose of sarcasm every now and then, but now I am finally going to watch Bridgerton. I am the type of person who can only really focus on one show at a time, and now that I finished one show, I am on to the next. Also, I am really excited for Bridgerton because I have been told by so many people that I will like it and it is starting to get harder and harder to slip past spoilers. 

Getting My Nails Done

I have perfected my gel nail time line for my manicure to last me a whole month, so it is time for my to get a new coat. I decided to get the OPI "Let's Get Nadi on the Honeymoon". It is a bubble gum pink shade and is perfect for the start of February next week! 

Chick- Fil- A Lemonade

After my hair cut I was in the mood for Chick Fil A (which I always am down for), but specifically a lemonade. Usually lemonade was sweet drink that I was always nervous about because of how much sugar was in it and would restrict myself, but this week I just enjoyed! Little things! 

Buying Myself Some New Clothes from Free People

I held out the whole month because I wanted to make sure that it wasn't on impulse. I ended up buying the Days of Ditzies Dress and the Around the Clock Sweater Set. I am so excited to wear these pieces soon and with my discount it was a third of what I would actually pay for it!

Finishing Out Dry January

I have pretty much made it and THANK GOD. Monday night,  I will be having quite the glass of wine. Stay tuned for my recap coming soon! 

Big News Coming Next Monday

Two words for the clues: First Day. Come back on Monday for the official inside scoop on a huge life change!!



Sara Anne

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